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  1. Accessories
  2. Filtration
  3. Mattebox

Hire SmallRig Mini Matte Box

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Key Features:

• Portable and compact
• Holds plug-in filters and round filters at the same time
• Easy assembly and disassembly
• Supports 4 x 5.65” and 4 x 4" filters
• Comes with 4 adapter rings (67/72/77/82mm), to meet users' common shooting needs
• Features 1/4“-20 threaded holes for additional accessories on the top and anti-twist design on the bottom

SmallRig Mini Matte Box 3196 is designed for DSLRs and mirrorless cameras to prevent sunlight or other light from causing glare and flare. The filter tray (3319) can be quickly mounted onto the matte box via a NATO clamp and supports multiple 4 x 5.65" slide-in filters of up to 4mm in thickness. The adjustable carbon-fibre top flag blocks sunlight or strong light and also prevents internal reflections with its anti-reflective design. Top 1/4"-20 threaded holes enable easy attachment of other accessories and anti-twist 1/4"-20 threaded holes on the bottom suit 15mm LWX Rod Support 2663 (not included).


SmallRig Mini Matte Box 3196

Description Quantity
SmallRig 67-95mm Adapter Ring1
SmallRig 72-95mm Adapter Ring1
SmallRig 77-95mm Adapter Ring1
SmallRig Flag Board (attached to Matte Box)1
SmallRig 4X5.65 Filter Tray (attached to Matte Box)1
SmallRig Black Thumb Turn with Washer (for securing flag)1
SmallRig 95mm Mount with Tightening Screw1
SmallRig Black Hex Bolt (attached to the top of the Matte Box)4
SmallRig Black Cross Head Screw (attached to inside of Matte Box)4
Peli-Storm iM2050 Black Flight Case1
SmallRig 82-95mm Adapter Ring1

Not compatible with 100 x 100mm filters.

Max load capacity: 1kg.

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