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Hire Tascam XLR Microphone Adapter for Canon

Dual mic adapter Canon.

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Premium sound quality for your video recordings.

The CA-XLR2d-AN kit is a two-channel microphone adapter and preamplifier (made up of CA-XLR2d and CA-AK-AN) that allows external microphones to be used to record high-quality professional stereo sound with a mirrorless or other camera. The audio signal is transferred directly to the camera – in digital or analogue form – and recorded along with the video signal, eliminating the need for subsequent synchronisation and reducing post-production time.

Choose the most suitable microphone for your film recording

Choose the appropriate microphone or input that matches your application. From a single shotgun mic for interviews or dialogue, to dual dynamic or condenser mics for stereo imaging, or the entire audio mix fed from the main mixer using a line-level connection – with the CA-XLR2d you are well prepared for whatever filming is ahead.

High-performance A/D converter for pristine, natural sound

Thanks to Tascam’s long-standing expertise in audio technology and premium A/D converters, the CA-XLR2d stands out for clean, noise-free, professional sound. By sending a digital audio signal directly to the camera via a compatible accessory shoe, there is no second conversion step which could add noise or distortion. And it frees you from the work of synchronising picture and sound in post-production.

The CA-XLR2d is powered by the camera via its hot shoe which means you don’t need an additional power supply and your setup remains compact and clean.

Built-in processing with user-friendly control for highest recording quality

The included audio processing features such as auto-level, low-cut filter and limiter can be accessed using convenient switches. The CA-XLR2d can also link two input channels, which allows you to control the input gain as well as the LEVEL and LIMITER settings simultaneously for the left and right channels when recording in stereo.

Premium sound quality is achieved by professional-grade electronics, 16-bit/24-bit resolution and sampling frequencies of 48 kHz or 96 kHz.

Achieve high sound quality with your current camera

Don’t worry if your camera’s hot shoe cannot handle a digital audio signal nor power the Tascam mic adapter. The CA-XLR2d-AN analogue kit can be used with virtually any camera that has an analogue audio input. Attach the included battery box (two AA batteries) and connect the analogue output of the CA-XLR2d to the microphone input of the camera with the included stereo audio cable. This allows you to benefit from the high-quality microphone preamplifiers and audio processing functions and significantly improve the sound of your film recordings.


Auto-Sync & Record High-Quality Audio

Description Quantity
Tascam Silver XLR release push pin2
Tascam Rubber Port Cover3
Tascam Contact Cover (attached to main shoe)1
Tascam Battery Cover (attached to battery holder)1
Tascam CA-AK-C adapter for Canon cameras (attached to the unit)1
Tascam CA-XLR2d Main Unit1
Tascam Mic holder (attached to main unit)1
Tascam Clear Control Cover (attached to main unit)1
Tascam Cable Tidy (attached to main unit)1
Tascam CA-AK-AN adapter for cold shoe1
Tascam Contact Cover (attached to CA-AK-AN adapter for cold shoe)1
Tascam 3.5-mm Stereo Mini Jack Cable1
Tascam Rubber Grip (in microphone holder)2
Default Manufacturer Short XLR Cable1
Peli-Storm iM2075 / iM2050 Flight case1
Tascam Rubber Port Cover (on base of main unit)1
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