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  1. Lighting
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  3. Portable & Flash

Hire Canon Multi-Function Shoe Adapter AD-E1

Canon Multi-Function Shoe Adapter AD-E1 

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Connect your Speedlite flash with a conventional shoe to the latest Canon EOS R-series cameras with this handy hotshoe adapter.

Connect, Adapt, Create

The AD-E1 is a multi-function shoe adaptor that adapts conventional hotshoe Speedlites with a weather sealed foot to multi-function shoe cameras, whilst maintaining dust and weather resistance.

Connect Conventional Speedlites

Attach the Multi-Function Shoe Adapter AD-E1 to Speedlite flashes with a 5-pin weather sealed foot and use on the latest EOS R-series cameras with a multi-function shoe, maintaining full control.

Use in all Weathers

With the same weather resistance as the latest Speedlite flashes, the Multi-Function Shoe Adapter AD-E1 will protect the multi-function shoe connection from water and dust ingress thanks to JIS 2 standard weather sealing.

Secure Lockable Connection

Attach the Multi-Function Shoe Adapter AD-E1 with confidence and lock it onto the camera’s multi-function shoe connection with the lockable lever.

No Need for Batteries

The Multi-Function Shoe Adapter AD-E1 takes its power direct from the camera when attached for ease of use, allowing you to concentrate on the shot.

Small, Discreet, Lightweight

Weighing no more than a few grams the Multi-Function Shoe Adapter AD-E1 is lightweight and compact.

No Batteries

Powered directly from the camera.

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