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Hire Blackmagic Micro Converter BiDirectional SDI/HDMI 3G

Blackmagic Design Micro Converter BiDirectional SDI/HDMI 3G.

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Convert SDI to HDMI and at the same time HDMI to SDI, even in different formats. This device supports camera control protocol conversion, so you can use Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Cameras with professional SDI live production switchers.

The Blackmagic Micro Converter 3G models are incredibly tiny broadcast video converters that let you connect between consumer HDMI and professional SDI equipment. The rugged and miniaturised design makes them small enough to be used anywhere. You get professional 3G-SDI connections for working with all SD and HD formats up to 1080p60. Micro Converters use USB for power, so they can be powered directly from televisions or laptop computers.

Description Quantity
Black Pouch1
External 12V DC power supply with UK plug adapter1
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