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  1. Lighting
  2. Reflectors & Backgrounds

Hire Lastolite StudioLink Chroma Key Green Screen Connection Kit 3m

This Lastolite connection kit allows you to connect multiple 3m Lastolite StudioLink Green Screen backgrounds – available separately.

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In order to join the Lastolite StudioLink Chroma Key Green Screens together side-by-side (available separately, please see accessories), this StudioLink Connection Kit includes three hinge brackets to join the aluminium frames and a ‘clip on’ chroma key joining strip to conceal the aluminium frames and the hinge brackets. When using screens one above the other or when standing a screen on a chroma key floor, each clip on the chroma key cover incorporates a six inch sewn in skirt on the bottom edge to conceal the aluminium frame and provide a continuation of the chroma key surface to the panel below or the floor.

This kit allows you to connect multiple Lastolite StudioLink Chroma Key Green Screens – available separately.

Description Quantity
Lastolite Background Frame Clip (attached to backgrounds)4
Lastolite Pole (Inside Background Edge)4
Lastolite Bracket with Thumb Turn and Nut3
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