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  1. Accessories
  2. Camera Motion
  1. Accessories
  2. Camera Motion
  3. Sliders & Motion Control

Hire Syrp Magic Carpet Pro Medium Track Extension

Short track (0.9m) for the Magic Carpet Pro

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• Unlimited Magic Carpet PRO tracks can be joined together for seamless smooth tracking

• High-strength alloy construction

• Available in two lengths: Short (0.6m / 2ft) | Medium (0.9m / 3ft)


Magic Carpet Pro - A Stable, Silky Smooth, Professional Slider

Description Quantity
Track Joiner2
Magic Carpet Pro Track Carry Bag1
Carry Bag Shoulder Strap1
Track Rail2
Central Track Component2
Securing Screw (Attached to Rails)8

Not compatible with the NON ‘Pro’ Magic Carpet range.

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