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  1. Lenses
  2. Canon RF Mount
  3. Specialized/Adaptor

Hire Canon EF-EOS R Adapter with Drop-in Circular Polarizing Filter

Drop-In Filter Mount Adapter EF-EOS R takes the functionality of Mount Adapter EF-EOS R and includes the Canon circular polarising drop-in filter.

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Drop-In Filter Mount Adapter EF-EOS R takes the functionality of Mount Adapter EF-EOS R - allowing EF-S and EF lenses to be used with the Canon EOS R - and adds the ability to use drop-in filters, removing the need to fit filters on the front of a lens, especially useful for wide-angles with a large front lens element.

Adapter C-PL: Circular polarising filter

Polarising filters cut through glare and haze and reduce the amount of light reflecting from glass surfaces. The filters also boost colour saturation and help add impact to colourful scenes.

Description Quantity
Canon Adapter Cap1
Canon Rear Lens Cap (RF)1
Canon Adapter Pouch (Black)1
Canon C-PL Pop Out Filter Tray1
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