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  1. Lenses
  2. Canon EF Mount
  3. Tilt-Shift

Hire Canon TS-E 90mm f/2.8L MACRO

Refine your vision with the Canon TS-E 90mm f/2.8L macro tilt-and-shift lens, offering precise perspective control for beautiful portraits and product images.

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Control perspective and depth-of-field in portrait and product photography thanks to carefully calibrated movements, outstanding optical engineering and precision moulded glass for low distortion, even at 1:2 macro ratio.

Fine tune depth-of-field
Change the plane of focus to direct more attention to the subject and adjust depth-of-field as you see it, with no need for computers.

Correct subject distortion
Precise movements allow a ± 10° tilt and a ±12mm shift with a rotation of the shift/tilt functions +/-90° in any direction for superb perspective control.

Adjust focus in macro shots
A macro focus capability of 39cm means 1:2 life size images can be delicately focused with added control over perspective and depth-of-field.

Excellent optics and design
Aspherical and UD lens elements minimise chromatic aberration while Air Sphere Coating minimises ghosting and flare.

Pleasing 90mm focal length
A 90mm focal length gives a flattering compression for portraits with the added benefit of perspective control to correct verticals and maximise depth-of-field.


Tilt-Shift Lenses - A Quick Look

Description Quantity
Canon Back Cap1
Canon E-77 II Lens Cap1
Canon ES-84 Lens Hood1
Canon 77mm UV Filter1
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