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  1. Lenses
  2. Canon EF Mount
  3. Cine Prime

Hire Sigma 14mm T2 FF High Speed Prime Cine Lens - EF Mount

The Sigma 14mm T2 FF prime cine lens is compatible with full frame sensors, while staying compact.

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The Sigma 14mm T2 FF Prime Cine Lens is is compatible with full frame, and while being more compact, it offers superior resolution. With the five prime lenses from Sigma's FF High Speed Prime Line, there is no need to change the lighting to shoot a variety of cuts, and it is possible to meet the demands that professional movie creation requires.


Sigma Cine Quality

Description Quantity
Sigma Back Cap1
Sigma LC950-01 Lens Cap1
Sigma Lens Support Foot (with 2 fastening hex screws)1
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