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Hire Bright Tangerine Titan Support Arm with 1/4" Thread Reducer

Bright Tangerine Titan Support Arm with Pivot Head - 3/8" to 1/4"

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The Titan Arm is a product that is engineered to solve multiple problems. Bright Tangerine's design combined with hardened stainless steel and anodized components, gives you multiple clamping options and the highest load capacity of 8 Kgs while reducing the wear and tear in the system.


Central Locking System - The ergonomic kip lever acts as the central locking system, allowing you to simultaneously lock or release all the three articulated joints. You can effortlessly change the position of your equipment, modify the angle or height and provide multiple clamping options to thrive in a dynamic environment of any shooting scenario.

Revolutionary Design - The Titan Arm has been designed to counter the over-torqueing of joints and thereby reduce the wear and tear. It also provides active feedback as you lock it, reassuring you when your device is secured

Improved Load Capacity - The Titan Arm uses patent pending design and is built with hardened stainless steel and anodized components to ensure you have a robust product that lasts longer and serves you well when you need it the most. The Titan Arm can carry a weight of up to 8 Kgs, giving you more options to mount your accessories and provide you with an enhanced user experience.

Description Quantity
Lowepro MX 30 Case1
Bright Tangerine Beige Bag1
Generic 3/8 to 1/4 inch adapter screw (brass)1
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