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Hire Kino Flo Diva-Lite 20 LED DMX Kit

The Diva-Lite® LED’s blend Kino Flo’s popular fixture with its tunable LED family line.  Complete with True Match 3.0 firmware, which introduces eight new lighting effect (FX) modes.

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The Diva-Lite® LED’s blend Kino Flo’s popular fixture with its tunable LED family line. The Diva-Lite LED lights feature dial-in variable colour temperature control, full-range dimming and programmable 2700K to 6500K presets and DMX wireless capability.

Complete with True Match 3.0 firmware, which introduces eight new lighting effect (FX) modes.

As with the Celeb and Select LED’s, the Diva-Lite LED’s soft white light doesn’t flicker or shift colour temperature when dimmed. Light levels are consistent throughout the Kelvin range.

The Diva-Lite LED’s feature a Green/Magenta control to match the spectral sensitive curves of the most popular cameras and other light sources on the set. With built-in DMX and Lumen Radio® receivers, the Diva-Lite LED’s can be controlled by DMX and/or DMX wireless. The Diva-Lite LED’s run on universal input from 100-240VAC or 24VDC with as little 1.3A, 120VAC (Diva-Lite LED 30).

With its versatility and unique features, the Diva-Lite LED is the perfect imaging tool for use in any studio production or on location.

LED Controller

• Kelvin presets & custom settings, 2700K-6500K
• Universal input 100VAC-240VAC or 24VDC
• Manual & DMX Dimming w/ Auto Terminate
• DMX wireless (Lumen Radio)
• Green/Magenta control
• Flicker-free, dead quiet operation

Diva-Lite LED Fixture

• Built-in Barndoors
• Removable Honeycomb Louver
• Center Mount

Diva-Lite LED Features

• Kelvin presets
• Dial-in colour temperature control between 2700K-6500K
• Can use preset buttons to store custom Kelvin settings
• Light levels do not change when selecting Kelvin settings
• Colour-correct with high colour rendering index (CRI 95)
• Universal input 100VAC-240VAC or 24VDC
• Energy efficient, draws 1.3A, 120VAC and 7A, 24VDC (Diva-Lite LED 30)
• Flicker-free, dead quiet operation
• Full range onboard and DMX dimming
• DMX wireless link (Lumen Radio)
• DMX Auto Terminate
• Green/Magenta Control
• No colour shift while dimming
• Fixture includes removable 90° Honeycomb Louver
• Built-in Barndoors
• Center Mount
• Mounts to stand, light enough to be hand-held

Lighting Effects

Candle: simulates a candle flame. It has “Interior” and “Breeze” settings. Interior is a typical, small candle flicker. Breeze flickers as well, but with larger jumps in brightness.

Fire: light mimics an open fire. Pre-programmed under Fire is “Firepit” and “Gas Fireplace”.

Police: Simulates police and emergency vehicle flashing lights. The five types are, “Blue + Red”; “Red”; “Yellow”; “Blue + White + Red”; and “Blue”.

Paparazzi: Simulates random, still photo camera flashes. Comes with “Red Carpet” and “Stalker”. Red Carpet has very quick, frequent and random flashes. Stalker flashes less frequently, with longer pauses between bursts. You can also use the Power button to cue flash effects.

Pulse: Repeats colours, like a flashing neon sign. There are no pre-programmed types for Pulse. Parameters are set by using the” Hue”, “Saturation”, “Rate”, and “Length” (LEN) controls in the Pulse mode menu.

Scroll: Simulates colour changing light over a period of time. Like Pulse, there are no preset FX lighting types, but parameters are set using the “Time” and “Saturation” (SAT) controls in the Scroll mode menu.

In addition to the exciting new FX features, Kino Flo’s True Match® 3.0 firmware comes with other light control enhancements, such as an adjustable Frequency setting, dual Antenna controls for DMX wireless reception, colour value sharing, and refined DMX dimming.

The default frequency setting on Kino Flo LED controllers is 30kHz, which generally is flicker free for most productions shooting on HD or film cameras up to 240 frames per second. However, with the new firmware, the frequency can be dialled up to 300kHz when shooting at higher frame rates and shutter speeds.

For clear, stable DMX wireless reception, Kino Flo LEDs come with two built in antennae. With True Match 3.0, users can manually select the smaller, internal #1 PCB (printed circuit board) antenna, or elect to stay with the #2 EXT (external) antenna, the more powerful of the two antennae.

New mode features within the general menu allow users to translate RGB values to hue & saturation values, and to make other setting changes that take effect only after exiting the general menu.


Fire Mode

Description Quantity
Generic USB cable1
Hireacamera USB Drive (Containing user manual)1
Kino Flo Yellow Flight Case1
Kino Flo Matthews Light Stand with 4 Thumb Screws1
Kino Flo Kettle Lead with UK Plug Adaptor (with cable tidy)1
Kino Flo Antenna1
Kino Flo L- Shaped Connector with Ball Head1
Kino Flo Yellow and Black Thumb Screw (On Light Unit)1
Kino Flo Honeycomb Grid with 4 Velcro Straps1
Kino Flo Main Light Unit with Control Board1
Kino Flo XLR Release Pin1
Kino Flo Offset with Baby Receiver and Tightening Screw1
Kino Flo Retaining screws for barn door (in position on barn doors - next to velcro straps)4
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