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  1. Lenses
  2. Canon EF Mount
  3. Cine Prime

Hire Canon CN-E50mm T1.3 L F Cine lens

The Canon CN-E50mm T1.3 L F Cine lens is designed for EF mounts offering 4K image quality in full frame.

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From the Canon series of prime lenses, the CN-E 50mm T1.3 L F is a lightweight (1.3kg), compact, fixed focal length lens designed for EF mounts. It offers spectacular 4K image quality and a full frame image circle plus great low light performance and fine creative control over focusing and depth of field.


• Spectacular 4K image quality

• Full frame image circle

• Industry standard manual control

• 11 blade diaphragm for attractive blurring

• Designed for EF mount 35mm and Super 35mm cameras

• Mountable on full size cameras

Description Quantity
Peli iM2075 Flight Case1
Canon Back Cap1
Canon BC5-5047 Lens Cap1
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