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  1. Accessories
  2. Camera Support
  3. Focus and Zoom Control

Hire Zacuto Z-Focus

Extremely accurate follow focus

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Zacuto's Z-focus is an extremely accurate follow focus that allows the operator or assistant to pull focus. The Z-focus is supplied in a single sided 15mm rod configuration. The mechanism utilizes a set of gears that connect to and spin the focus ring or Zacuto zip gear on the camera lens. The white disk allows the focus puller or operator to create distance marks for repeatable focus pulls.

If your lenses are not pitched we can offer excellent HalfInchRails Zip Tie Gears for purchase to attach to your lens and use the .8 gear that comes standard with the follow focus.

The Zacuto Z-Focus (Follow Focus) includes:
-Completely gear-driven design for slip free, accurate movement.
-Helicel gear adjustment screw to allow user to tighten up gear play
-Interchangeable gear drives
-Standard accessory port for Zacuto, Chrosziel, and Arri follow focus whips and speed cranks.
-Industry-standard 15mm lightweight rod mount
-Lightweight design

Description Quantity
Allen Key1
iM2050 Black Flight Case1
Small Red Thumb Screw / Small Red Thumbs Screw x 21
Marker Disks1
USB Drive (Containing Manual)1
Black thumb screw1
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